The SARU features lectures by world-renowned experts from all around the world:Jesper Clemmensen

Jesper Clemmensen grew up on the Danish Baltic coast. The author and TV journalist spent seven years researching the individual fates of GDR refugees. His reportage book "Flight Route: Baltic Sea" (Flugtrute: Østersøen, Gyldendal) was awarded "Best Book on History" in Denmark. This book is the basis of the documentary film "The Escape", of which he is the director.
Dr. phil. Michael C. Bienert

Dr. Michael C. Bienert studied History, Literary Studies, and German and has a Ph.D. in history. Since 2011 he is the director of the state archive „Stiftung Ernst-Reuter-Archiv“ in Berlin. He is working and researching on the history of German parliamentarian of the 19th and 20th century, the history of the Cold War, and German foreign policy.
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Stefan Creuzberger

Prof. Stefan Creuzberger is a professor for contemporary history and since 2013 chair holder of the department of contemporary history at the University of Rostock as well as the head of the state’s research and documentation center Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for the history of dictatorships in Germany. He is working and researching on the German history after 1945, dictatorships, international and transnational relationships in the 20th century and the history of East Europe and the Soviet Union during the 20th century.
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Jörn Dosch

Prof. Jörn Dosch has been the chair holder of the department of International Politics and Development cooperation at the University of Rostock since 2013. Further, he is vice dean of the department of economics and social sciences. After his studies of political science and first work experiences in Mainz, he worked as a professor of Asian Pacific Studies at the University of Leeds in Great Britain for 11 years and after that as a professor for international relations and development cooperation at the Monash University in Kuala Lumpur for two years. Prof. Dosch is working and researching on the international relations of the Asian-Pacific region, regional integration, and the foreign politics and cooperation of Germany, Europe, and the USA.
Dr. phil. Michael Heinz

Dr. Michael Heinz gained his Ph.D. researching on agricultural industrialization in the GDR. He is currently head of the department for research, media, and political education of Rostock’s branch office for the documents of the former secret police “Stasi” in the GDR. He is working and researching agriculture and rural life in the GDR as well as the peaceful revolution.
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Dierk Hoffmann

Prof. Dierk Hoffmann is working as a professor of recent and latest history. For the past 12 years, he has been working at the University of Potsdam and is currently as well the vice-leader of the Institute of Contemporary History Munich. He is working and researching on the social politics during the 19th and 20th centuries as well as the history of the GDR and post-war German-German history.
Prof. Dr. phil. Thomas Kalinowski

Prof. Thomas Kalinowski has been working at the Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, South Korea for 14 years. He is a professor at the Graduate School of International Studies at said university and worked at universities in the United States and Germany beforehand after graduating with his Ph.D. in Political Science in Berlin. He is working and researching on the international political economy with its focus on the East Asian region, global governance, and European integration as well as International Organizations and Development.
Prof. Dr. Seiwan KIM

Prof. Sei-Wan Kim is the chair holding professor at the Department of Economics at the Graduate School of Political Sciences at the Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, South Korea. After studying, graduating, and teaching in the field of economics at different universities in South Korea and the United States he began working at the Ewha Woman's University in 2006. He is working and researching financial economics, macroeconomics and econometrics.
Prof. Dr. Seok-Hyang KIM

Prof. Seok-Hyang Kim is a professor at the Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, South Korea, and chair holder of the Department of North Korean Studies. She studied Sociology at the Ewha Woman's University and graduating with a Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Georgia in Athens, the USA on "The Juche Ideology of North Korea: Socio-political Roots of Change”. She is currently working and researching North Korean Studies, Inter-Korean relations, minority issues in North Korea, and everyday life in North Korea as well as Defectors' life after leaving North Korea.
Prof. Dr. habil. Gabriele Linke

Prof. Gabriele Linke is an emerita professor for British and American culture studies and teaching methodology for English at the University of Rostock. She has studied and worked at a variety of universities in Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom and took the professorship at the University of Rostock in 2002. She is currently working and researching gender in autobiography, film, and English language teaching; transnational and British and American film studies and studies of autobiography, especially contemporary Scottish autobiography.
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Wolfgang Muno

Prof. Wolfgang Muno is working as the Chair of Comparative Politics at the University of Rostock. After studying and habilitating at the University of Mainz in Political Science he has been working and researching in the fields of comparative politics and democratization, populism in historical and comparative perspectives, and regionalism in Latin America.
Prof. Dr. Ihn-Hwi PARK

Prof. Hwi Park is working as the associate professor of the Division of International Studies at Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, South Korea. He has been working there as a professor at the Department of International Studies since 2005. He graduated with a Ph.D. in International Politics at the Northwestern University in the United States in 1999. Professor Park is working and researching in the fields of international security, relations of Korea and the US as well as East Asian International Relations and Inter-Korean Relations.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Plessow

Prof. Oliver Plessow is a university professor for Didactics of history at the University of Rostock. He studied teaching in the subjects of German and history as well as German language and political science and contemporary history in Münster and graduated with his Ph.D. in medieval history in 2003. He is working and researching on the pedagogical approach on mass crime, war violence and experiences of dictatorships and its representations in media, historical culture, commemorative culture and transnational Holocaust education.
Prof. Dr. jur. habil. Markus Rehberg

Prof. Markus Rehberg is a professor for civil law, German and international economic law, legal theory, and legal economics at the University of Rostock. He studied law in Heidelberg and Cambridge and further studied political economics in Berlin and Hagen. After graduating with his Ph.D. in Berlin he began working in Munich, reaching his habilitation and teaching license at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He is working and researching contract law, international economic law, legal economics, and legal theory.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Stockemer

Prof. Daniel Stockemer is working as a full professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Ottawa and has been working at said university since 2010. He studied Political Science at the University of Connecticut and the University of Mannheim. He received his Ph.D. in 2010 in Connecticut and started working at the University of Ottawa in the department of Comparative Politics. He is working and researching in the fields of comparative politics, political behavior, populism and political representation and participation, right-wing extremism in Europe, and quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Prof. Dr. habil. Heike Trappe

Prof. Heike Trappe is the chair-holder of the department of Sociology with the main focus on family demographics at the University of Rostock. She has been working as a professor since 2007 and worked at different universities in Germany and the United States such as the Havard University in Cambridge, USA during a research year in 2003. Professor Trappe studied Sociology at the Public University in Berlin and received her habilitation there in 2006. She is currently working and researching on social inequality and gender, research on the labor market, family and life course, gender-specific division of labor in partnership and family as well as assisted reproduction.